BUG-OFF! Bed Bug & Carpet Moth Spray is 100% Natural product NO CHEMICALS which is highly effective, for use inside the home. As with any insecticide sensible use will find this killing problems quickly! Safe and effective once dried. Branded – Multi-Mite Product..
MITE-OFF Spray is Ready to Use and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE with Immediate effect on all types of mites..
This spray has the benefit that it will continue to kill for up to 7-10 days after spraying due to the residual killing effect!
Spray the infected areas paying particular attention the the perches and crevices etc and this will do the job, staying effective for a number of days after use to keep on killing! You need to remove water, feed and any eggs whilst spraying but once dry its perfectly safe to re-introduce all. You can even spray this directly on the birds under their feathers if its got that bad!
Safe to use around the home with common sense and care, this product is perfectly safe once dried and is super effective..
A Pyrethrium based spray, a Natural Insecticide based on plant extracts. Very Effective & A Best Selling Product.