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Food PURA® 365 CODEX Human DE – 500mg HPMC Vegan Capsules

Foodpura 365 Capsules

Food PURA® 365 CODEX Human DE – 500mg HPMC Vegan Capsules

Food PURA® Pure CODEX Freshwater DE 500mg HPMC Vegan Capsules

Controls Internal Parasites inc worms and has also shown to Reduce Blood Cholesterol, Rich in Natural Silica and Minerals. Absorbs Poisons and Destructive Substances within the body & offers an alternative method for Detoxing, keeps the Bowels clean, Naturally keeps the Gut and Intestines clear, will also give increased Protein Ingestion




Pure CODEX Freshwater DE 500mg HPMC Vegan Capsules 

Food PURA® Capsules – We are a HUGE Importer and Distributor of DE and sell throughout the UK  and Europe, and have extensive knowledge of this over many years, Buy  this Product in Complete Confidence as we know what we do, well!

* FoodPURA: Is a white PURE Freshwater PERUVIAN sourced Product

* FoodPURA:  FOOD Grade DE is sold around the world in health shops for promoting human health

* FoodPURA: Stimulates the immune system in both humans and animals

* FoodPURA: Controls Internal Parasites inc worms and has also shown to Reduce Blood Cholesterol

* FoodPURA: Amazing Mineral stimulates the Metabolism gives stronger Skin, Hair and Nails, Silica is Essential to Health

* FoodPURA: Is a Totally Organic, Rich in Natural Silica and Minerals Food Supplement

* FoodPURA: Absorbs Poisons and Destructive Substances within the body & offers an alternative method for Detoxing!

* FoodPURA: Naturally keeps the Gut, Intestines and Colon cleansed

* FoodPURA: Taken daily keeps the Bowels clean

* FoodPURA: Will give increased Protein Ingestion

* FoodPURA: has been reported to assist with Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS), this  is not proven but there are many reports that it can assist greatly in  easing symptoms.

Diatomaceous Earth is a 100% Natural and Organic substance that is Rich in many  natural minerals including SILICA, in excess of 92% + this SILICA is  essential and most beneficial to human health.  Customers who buy this  product always return and mention good results!

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg

Food PURA® 365 CODEX Human DE – 500mg HPMC Vegan Capsules


Keeping You Healthier And Happier – Our Natural Human Food Supplement Range
