MULTI MITE® WOUND X PLUS is an Animal Wound Treatment Powder. DOUBLE PACK
General purpose, fast acting – Non Lick, Anti Bacterial, Anti Septic Wound and Cut Powder which is suitable for ANY animal from Cats & Dogs to Birds, Horses and Sheep!
- Highly Effective in Preventing Proud Flesh – Perfect for SHOW Animals
- Highly Effective in Preventing Proud Flesh – Perfect for SHOW Animals
- Stops Bleeding Fasts!
- Stops Bleeding Fasts!
- Anti Septic & Anti Bacterial
- Anti Septic & Anti Bacterial
- Anti Lick Formula – Animals hate the taste so discourages them from licking
- Anti Lick Formula – Animals hate the taste so discourages them from licking
- Used also as a Folia Feed
- Used also as a Folia Feed
- Contains: Nitrogen, Potassium, phosphate & Magnesium
- Contains: Nitrogen, Potassium, phosphate & Magnesium
Wound X PLUS is a product formulated as a wound treatment dressing powder & blood coagulant for use for wounds & abrasions and granulated tissue – proud flesh. Contains a caustic & drying agent to assist slow healing lessions & as a blood stopping powder. Suitable after animal docking, castrating and dehorning also.